Monday, September 14, 2015

Spotfire Library Location for Content Migrating

In Spotfire 6.5 Version, a new feature has been provided to update the location of  Library Directory.

In earlier versions of Spotfire when we Export the content from Library Administration, the zip files used to get generated on the Spotfire server at location as below

The problem here is when we would like to export the content from Clustered environment to another environment, the library content zip file would be generated only on one of the clustered server. For which, you would need to check manually on which server the Zip files are generated and then copy them to the Other environment Server and import them accordingly.


 Instead of default library location, we can make use of shared location so that it can be accessed by multiple environments which avoids manual work to look on which server the zip files are generated. Below are the steps to update the same:-
- Open the Config file (Start-> Tibco Spotfire Server 6.5 -> Configure TIBCO Spotfire Server) on Spotfire server
- Provide the Bootstrap password
- Navigate to Configuration tab
- Go to Library Directory module and update and library path to use as Custom and then provide the location accordingly.


 Update this location on all the environments. The other advantage of this is, its not required to connect to server each time for migrating the content :)

Installing R External Packages

On the Statistics Server, go to the path where statistics engine is installed. 
In my case it is installed at below location:-

C:\Program Files\TIBCO\statsvcs65\SplusServer\engines\Terr\bin\x64

Open TERRconsole.exe and type below command

In case, you would like to install the packages from Zip file downloaded from site then you can type the below command

install.packages(file.choose(), repos=NULL)

Verify the changes where all the external files are added to the below location or not.
C:\Program Files\TIBCO\statsvcs65\SplusServer\engines\Terr\library

For Spotfire Professional version, follow the similar steps by running Statistics Console command prompt from location  
C:\Program Files (x86)\TIBCO\Spotfire\6.5.0\Modules\TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R_2.5.0.23\engine\bin\x64
Copy the External library folder from Server to local machine library location (C:\Program Files (x86)\TIBCO\Spotfire\6.5.0\Modules\TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R_2.5.0.23\engine\library)

PS: Try to test by writing some basic R scripts and run the same.